Starting over – Day 1

It’s hard to think that just 10 months ago I was posting about my weight loss and exercise success and now 10 months later, I’ve regained every ounce and haven’t seen the gym in months.


I recently watched a documentary called “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” with Joe Cross. It reignited my desire to be healthy. Over the years, I’ve always tied being healthy to looking a certain way or a number on the scale. Neither of these things are really true.  A very thin looking person can be unhealthy.  Also, a number on the scale doesn’t determine health either.  It’s what you put in your body and how you take care of it.


Today I started my path to health and began a 30 day juice fast.  It starts with a 5-day taper off of solid food to just juicing for 30 days.  I’m extremely excited about this new journey and am looking forward to achieving “health” instead of a size or number.  This morning, I woke up and had some hot ginger lemon water.  For breakfast, an apple berry bake.  Snacks consisted of Carrot Apple Ginger juice and lunch was a salad with Carrot and Sweet Potato “fries”.  So far I’ve felt pretty good.  A few hunger pains here and there, but the main thing that’s been different for me today is I’m freezing.  I have felt extremely cold in my office all day today, but I can deal with that.


I’m looking forward to tracking my progress here as I start feeling better and being able to do more things. Shifting, growing, and changing my approach to food is the thought of the day.

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